Holding Our Own Energy Sacred…


Last week I had a few calls with some dear clients of mine speaking about the cycle of burnout and how it connects to our capacity and expansion.

I wanted to share more deeply about this, a topic of course that I share a lot because we need to lean into this wisdom.

Here is a false myth.

If I work harder, if I exert more, I will create more….. Whether that is abundance, clients, or whatever it is you are seeking to create expansion around.

And then we do that while abandoning our own boundaries and cycles and then discovery quickly that not only is that not sustainable, but it doesn’t work.  Or perhaps it does in the short term but then we find ourselves on a slippery slope of burnout.

If your energy is limited, if you are constantly at depletion or close to it, you will not have the capacity to create more of everything.


It doesn’t matter what team you hire, or what mentor you invest in, if you do not tend to your energy it won’t make a difference, because everything that you are seeking to expand around requires your energy.

How do I know this?

Because this was my reality for many years.

I lived and existed through self-sacrifice and burnout, and I did it well.

I depleted myself, I abandoned my own boundaries, I didn’t listen to the nuances of my own energy levels and burn out was something I flirted with a lot, until I couldn't any longer.

Holding my energy the way I did was suicide, and it almost killed me literally.

And here is another truth, it wasn’t functional, it didn’t create more abundance, it didn’t help me support others better, I was crappy in relationships and my well being sucked, so the truth was that way of being was really not supportive.

And I was terrified of changing things because as someone who had a high overhead on a single income everything came down to me.

So I was scared to shift things and listen because I thought and believed that abandoning this space of self-sacrifice would mean everything would fall apart.

And it got so bad that I didn’t have a choice and I was forced to change.

This is such a common space that I witness in other women, I talk to other women all the time, my clients, fellow leaders and we really need to look at how to do this differently.

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Here is a deeper truth.

When I create space for myself.

When I shifted how I held space for my practice, going from a heavy 1:1 schedule at my busiest I had 22 1:1 clients, not something that was great.

Where I was doing coaching and mentorship calls all day long, 5 days a week, plus retreats, not taking any days off, it really wasn’t fun.

Sure I was making 6 figures but at what cost to myself?


I listened to what schedule felt spacious and supportive for my own energy, I shifted into small groups, I have at max 4 1:1 clients at a time.

I create 1-2 days of rest between retreats.

I coach every other week, so I have a full week pretty much where it is really light on the output of coaching.

I love my schedule now, there is space, there is enjoyment, my wellbeing is great, I run 3 businesses, and operate at a capacity that I wasn’t able to before.

I still make multiple 6 figures a year,  I create more wealth, greater capacity in all areas of my life when I LISTENED, to my own energy and created around my own spaciousness.

And here is the thing, I had to do the work internally and externally to get here, which meant I had to face my fears and dysfunctional beliefs.

I had to have the courage to shift my practice.

I had to say no to things that were draining me

I had to integrate rest every day.

I had to create my schedule with my own needs in mind and guess what.

My business didn’t fall apart, it went the opposite.

When we tend to ourselves, we tend to everything else.

We get to empower what feels good and here is a really good way of discerning how you are showing up is working.

Is it working for you?

Does it feel good?

Is it sustainable?

Does it come at an expense to yourself?

Is it creating more for you? Truly?

If the answer is no, it is not working for you, period.

To deepen this point, I recorded a video with the herd to share some of their energy and the deepening of this. 

Take a watch here:

I want you to know that we can shift how we hold ourselves and we must, if what we are creating is not sustainable to us then it is not sustainable period.

I know what it looks like and takes to hold great capacity for our purpose, for our desired wealth for the integrity of our impact and service, and this is the path that we need to take.

It takes great courage to shift how we hold ourselves, I understand this, but it is possible, I promise you that.

For a deepening of an invitation, this month I am opening up the doors to my Unbridled Medicine Academy an intuitive business school that also focuses on the personal leadership and development of ourselves.

It is in this space that I will support, affirm and give room to you being able to shift how you create and tend to your energy plus align yourself to the outcomes you are seeking in your purpose and the sacred work that holds it.

It is deep mentorship for an entire year, with a private Facebook group, monthly mentorship calls, horse medicine videos for $1297 CDN, for the year, extended payment plans available, I would be honored to support you bringing your medicine more deeply out into the world and also the shift in how you create, you can claim space or read more about this container here…

Otherwise wherever this message needed to land for you today.

Love your mentor and guide,


The Commitment to Our Ease...


Finding Our Courage To Share Our Gifts