Finding Our Courage To Share Our Gifts


I lead a retreat this past weekend. For years it has been my norm, leading retreats and running my coaching practice with women and a handful of men from all over the world.

And there was a time in my life where this was a dream, one that felt impossibly ambitious, but also I could see it vividly.

Each year I get to lead anywhere from 15-20 retreats, private and groups, that easily fill, it takes minimal effort for me to fill the spaces of these, which is crazy.

Each year I get to train a handful of those seeking me out to train and mentor them in the space of horse medicine to become an equine guided coach and I get to run a coaching practice with clients all over the world.

It’s a little insane.

I recently had a moment where I had to just pause and witness that this is where I am.

A dream where there was a time in my life where I deeply doubted my capacity and I could not see how I would ever get to be where I am now.

We can’t always witness our potential and space of possibility beyond where we are.

I can remember it as if it were yesterday, sitting in my old living room, feeling paralyzed and terrified as I looked at my mountain of debt. I had no idea how I was going to build my practice to where it needed to be.

I didn’t have a path forward, I didn’t believe in myself, not really, and I was so overwhelmed by my debt.

6 months after my reckoning, this beautiful 80-acre property showed up in my life, my business had taken off and suddenly I was looking at a whole new reality.

It has taken time to get to where I am right now. A lot of persistence, working on myself, mentors that expanded my vision and the devotion to my craft and mastering it, to be here.

I share this story because sometimes when we see where we currently are we can’t always see how it is possible to not be here, in our fears and in our doubts and in our insecurities we can’t witness our possibilities.

I want you to know that even in fear, there is a part of us that knows there's potential and space for possibility, we just have to remember that.

And I do believe that the universe and the intelligence of our spirit have plans for us that are beyond the limits of our minds.

My mantra sometimes when I feel like I am weighed down by my mind is to simply say this to myself.

I am available for and receptive to the full potential of my life’s purpose.

Or I am available for the divine’s perspective of what my potential is.

I don’t have to know what that is, but I can be open to being receptive and in tune with it.

We don’t have to see the way to be receptive. This is your reminder if you needed it today.

There have been many, many moments on my journey where I have not believed or couldn't see the way out of where I was and where I am.

For a deeper invitation…

I believe part of my gift as a mentor and coach is to expand the awareness and support my clients in coming into a space of possibility for themselves and what they are creating.

We can’t always go beyond what we see in ourselves and what we are creating, and sometimes we need someone to remind us of our magic and give space and room so we can follow the path that is guiding us.

Unbridled Medicine Academy is my version of an intuitive business school, for women that are wanting to lead with their medicine and also expand their perception of what is possible for them in that space.

This is deep magic and I promise you'll be leading and sharing your gifts in the world, in this space, while creating a practice that feels deeply supportive to you and who it serves.

$1297 for the entire year, extended payment plans available. If this calls to you and you resonate with our mentorship, follow this link to claim a space. Our first calls begin in June.

Otherwise where this needed to land for you today.

Love your mentor and guide,


Holding Our Own Energy Sacred…


Unbridling Our Medicine.. Finding Our Courage To Share Our Gifts..