Manifesting is your Divine Right.

It is your ability to bring your thoughts and intentions into form through your own energy and the ability to be rooted into your desires and alignment.

To tap into our ability to manifest is our ability to remember how powerful we are as the creators of our lives and in our own internal landscape.

Manifesting Mastery is a journey and awakening of self and the abilities you possess to create your world.

It is a mixture of grounded and practical wisdom, with a dash of woo and a whole lot of guidance on how we actually tap into our manifestation abilities in our lives.

When things feel impossible...

When we cannot see the how...

When we are uncertain what it is we are trying to create in our world...

When we feel powerless to external circumstances in our lives and in our greater experience...

Manifestation can be a pathway of soothing balm to our soul and a resourcefulness of knowing that we do not have to be an observer or passive participant to life.  We are not at the mercy of life experiences, of our money, or job, or fears.

We are creators of them.

A little background on this space.

In 2014, I was looking at a mountain of impossibility, of getting myself beyond my debt, and finding a way to build a business that aligned to my soul.

I was overwhelmed and intimidated by what I had to do.

I had no idea how I was going to do it.

But then a lightbulb went off.

I know how to manifest.

In my life people called me the manifesting queen. It seemed to be if I wanted to bring something in, I would.  Whether it be a job, a retreat center, a community, things just seemed to flow to me.

I believe in our spiritual practice and I believe in our ability to be in relationship with a greater energy, to influence and support what we are creating in our lives.

So I went to applying what I knew about manifestation, and watched as my business flourished to life. I paid off debt. I hit 6 figures. Life was grand.

And then, a really big thing happened.

A 1.2 million dollar ranch showed up in my world, my dream property and I thought to myself, this is impossible.

I can’t do this.

Who am I to think that this is something I can go for?

But a voice whispered you can manifest this.

So I went about my practice. I pulled out what I called my big guns of manifestation and got to work, to call in this beautiful property and symbol of what I felt was a deeper leap into my life’s purpose.

And I did it.

In the fall of 2015, I manifested what I needed to purchase this ranch and that is where this course was born.

I waited until I knew I could do it on a big scale, and then teach it, and then I poured everything I knew about how I created this vision to life into this beautiful course.

Everything that is in this course is potent, and real, and things that I still use to this day.

The women who have gone through this space continue to write to me that they come back to it again and again each year to support their manifestations and the empowerment of what they can call into their world.

Now, it can be yours.

This is a gift, a sacred teaching, that works! I created a real grounded approach to manifestation which is rooted in the everyday that gives you lots of exercises and guidance on how to apply and integrate it in a way that will feel supportive and doable, and perhaps, even fun.

This is Manifestation Mastery.

If you are a believer in your ability to work with and create with energy...

If you align with a more spiritual way of creating...

If you are looking for a grounded yet intuitive way to bring to life the goals and visions that are calling to you...


If you need some support to know the how’s...

This is the course for you.

Whether you are wanting to manifest more clients and money in your business, or you are wanting to just get clarity on what is your vision...


You have a relationship, a big dream and vision that you are yearning to bring to life but don’t know how...

This course will give you the answers and way that you seek.

I can’t wait to support you in your journey of manifestation.

Love your guide and mentor. 

