Horse Medicine Virtual Sessions

The space of medicine and wisdom of the herd can be received when we cannot be in their space but feel the call to journey with their essence.

Our horse medicine virtual sessions were created to give those who feel called to journey with our herd a space to do so.

The horses are a medium and an access point to wisdom and guidance that is seeking to come to us, where we also get to receive the embodiment of their presence.  This embodiment along with the wisdom that comes through, although not as potent as being in person, still allows us to take in the frequency behind the message.

There is a physiological space that gets opened up with the horses when we see them and feel the space that they occupy, so not only do we get to open ourselves to the messages that are seeking to come to us, but we also get to feel it in our bodies.  In the embodiment is where the integration and the shift can land.

To see an example of the felt presence of our herd, you can watch one of the videos we have posted to YouTube so you can experience the potency of their presence.

Imagine the virtual session like visiting an oracle that comes in the form of a wise collective herd of horses, who transcend space and time as they respond to your intention that we carry out to them.


How the session works:

Once you purchase a session, we send over a questionnaire so you can share with us what you wish to bring to the herd.

It can be an open intention like. ‘What medicine is seeking me right now?’, or ‘What medicine do I need to support with what I am journeying through?’

We also often take out this intention, which horse or horses embody the essence within myself that I most need to connect with.

Or you can bring us an intention around purpose, what your own gifts are, money, or anything else you find you need clarity or guidance around in your life.

We then go out to our herd and we take a video for you or a collection of videos depending on what shows up.

We share our interpretation of the reading with the herd, plus empower you in what you feel. You will be sent a private link to the video so you can come back and watch it as many times as you wish.

Once you receive your video, which we will take within 72 hours of the purchase of the session, post-session we will then give you access to private voice notes and follow-ups with us to ask any questions or deepen or integrate anything that came up in a session.

We will also share the messages from the horses that show up via our herd oracle deck, and offer any support to continue to deepen what shows up in the video.

What is important to us is that we provide a really tangible and practical way of integrating the session with the herd so you can apply the wisdom that shows up with what the herd reveals to you.

Investment includes:

  • Private link to your recorded video with the herd

  • 2 weeks of follow-up voice notes and emails to deepen and integrate your reading.

  • Any written integration and support we feel would benefit you from your session.

  • Lifetime access to your reading.

$333 CDN or 2 payments of $167 CDN