1:1 coaching and mentorship

For the woman that holds deeply.

You are a holder of much and many.

You are a space holder, a guide, a mentor, a coach, a mother, a friend, and a creator.

You are the pillar of strength of many, a holder of big visions and dreams and capacity.


You are also a human that needs tending to, to have a space where you feel witnessed and held, where you can have someone that holds for you, as you navigate your journey, live life and honor the expansion that you are being asked to tend to.

If you are a woman, that is a holder of many, that is seeking a space that is created so you can be held in whatever you are navigating right now, we would be honoured to create a curated container for you.

Where you are….         

You are in a transition of life or in your sacred work and know you need someone to hold a space for you as you listen deeply to what is next.

You recognize the way you have been holding or tending to our your outer world is no longer serving you and you need to be supported as you find a new way.

You recognize that you would benefit from a container that is holding you as your traverse what you are currently navigating in your life from someone that has perhaps walked a similar path to your own.

It is true that you are strong, but you are also human. we need to be tended to as deeply as we tend to others.

  • You are traversing the awareness that there is some inner wounding that needs to be tended to around how you show up in your leadership and how you hold for others.

  • You are seeking a path of ease in what you create space for. One that is kinder on your nervous system and feels supportive of your current landscape of life.

  • There is a big vision that you are walking towards that you know is going to stretch you and you need support in being held in the embodiment of what that is.

  • You are looking at holding space for the inner journey and also tending to and being curious about your life’s work and what is being asked of you in how you are showing up in your gifts and leadership.

  • You are being asked to tend to you, the creator of what is birthed and held by you and to also take a look at what is outdated in what you have been leading and how it wants to be now held.

  • You know you are on a precipice and being invited into a deeper journey of yourself,  and you are looking for a space that can meet you in those depths, without agenda, without ego and can be with you in all the layers that you are needing to meet.

You are worthy of being supported as deeply as you hold others.

The capacity of how you are able to serve is dependent on how you serve and tend to you.

You do not have to sacrifice your vision, or your responsibilities while you take space to nurture your own being.

You have nothing left to prove to anyone on how much you can hold or how great you are at being the pillar of strength for all.

In my own journey…

As a mentor, I rbing my whole self and experience into the spaces where I hold other women in their journey.

I appreciate the space of being someone that holds a lot, a retreat center, a full client practice, running retreats, a herd, staff, being a mother, a friend to those that need a space to lean into, is a lot to hold.

I was also someone that was used to being a pillar of strength for others, that didn’t feel as if I could show my vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

Buying this retreat space 8 years ago in many ways changed me deeply, the operating systems I had didn’t serve me here, and it took facing a health crisis, debt and depression for me to have the courage to challenge and face what wasn’t working.

At 32 years old, I was single, ambitious in my purpose when I found myself achieving my dream of owning my own retreat ranch and running a successful business. On the outside I was successful, I had a thriving practice, a purposeful vision, a beautiful property, and the truth was I was lost and depressed and burdened by what I was holding.

I felt paralyzed by my responsibilities and had no idea how to shift from the holder of all, to the tender of me.

I had to rewire my whole nervous system, anchor in new beliefs system and lean into people that held me, because I realized that it is as essential for me to have a space to held as deeply as I hold others.

Slowly, with time, practice and building of new muscles, I found a new path of holding my vision without being the sacrificial lamb, I shifted my practice so it felt more supportive of my energy, I called in my partner, and formed a new pathway of holding and being.

8 years later, we have been running our retreat space, an online practice, stepped into motherhood, and deepen into our partnership with our herd and land and community where fulfillment feels spacious and easeful and our capacity is held as deeply as our own nurturing.

I appreciate what we have to walk behind the scenes of what we hold, to have a space where we can break down, and find a new way, while still holding our responsibilities. I understand the courage it takes to question our foundation, to sit in our vulnerability and to be held as we fall apart while we hold it all.

Owning and running this beautiful retreat space
has forged and challenged me.

And so the women that find me on their journey, know they are wanting to journey with someone that will be the holder of them, as they birth, and find a new pathway of being and leading that begins with being in service of them first.

That holds open the space of possibility and magic while being real and authentic about all parts of the journey.

That will speak the truth, that is always what we want to hear and also champions you into your strength and what you can do.

This is not about hustling and working harder, but it is about knowing we can’t bypass certain parts of the journey and we can walk that path while being held sacredly and being open to energies greater than ourselves that are here to guide us.

For the space holders that hold deeply for others that are now seeking to have a space held for them, to be in your vulnerability, to be held as you unravel and come back to what is asking to be formed in a new way.

This container was created for you.

The herd is part of how I hold this space for others because they know what we need to confront and they hold us in that.

And we can be really great at deflecting each other. I know as maybe you do how to be a great client, to give my coach or mentor what they want to hear.

With the horses, we can’t put up smoke and mirrors and so in that we become receptive, we go on the journey, while not having to sluff through the surface testing what we do with one another.

We find a frequency of strength and our own mirror in a way that is palpable. Imagine standing with a horse that is a mirror of your medicine and feeling that deeply so you know it exists.

Or seeing a mirror of your own dysfunction so clearly you can no longer say it doesn’t exist.

Where we cannot always be receptive to the feedback of other humans, we can be receptive to the feedback of horses. We don’t have to wear our masks of strength or be careful of how we reveal ourselves, the horses simply create the space where we can surrender to what is wanting to be revealed within ourselves.

The horses don’t hold agenda for you, they simply respond to the energy you are holding, the knowing of the teaching and mirror you are needing to be with.

You get to be held by this land and herd alongside of our time together, to find healing for you, that will meet you where you need to be tended, to the parts that perhaps you are not even aware of.

This is the power of the herd and the horses alongside of what we hold for those that are called to journey here.

They are a partner in the medicine we create for women in this sacred journey.

Our time together is customized to your journey and includes time with our herd in a
curated retreat or retreats depending on what we feel called to be in together.

We include time with our herd as part of this journey because their medicine is deeply a
part of what we hold space for with the women that are drawn here. The horses are a
potent partner in our time together.

You do not need to be a horse woman, only to know that what is felt in their space with
their wisdom feels essential to where you are seeking to travel and that horses are a
teacher that is showing up for you right now.


Your custom container will include…

An all inclusive retreat or retreats if you feel you need to come more than once, a private cabin, fully catered meals, and a shuttle to and from the ranch if you are flying in. You just have to get to Kamloops BC, and we take care of the rest.

And, you do not have to add a retreat if it is not something you can step into at this time.

This container is an investment in yourself with a commitment of your time, attention and resources. Once you apply, we will have a conversation to curate a custom container that feels the most supportive for where you are in the journey and what would feel the most impactful for you.


The Possibilities…

While we believe each women is unique in her journey, we do have recommended options for our time together, before we commit to a space together we will first go through the application process to make sure it is a fit for both of us and that the container options feel resonate for you.

Option 1: Option 2:

3 Month Container 6 Month Container

Includes: Includes:

6 1:1 Mentorship Calls 12 1:1 Mentorship Calls

Access to our library of courses and content. Access to our library of courses and content.

Recordings of our sessions Recordings of our sessions

Voxer and email support in between sessions Voxer and email support in between sessions

Investment: $4000 CDN + taxes Investment: $7500 CDN + taxes

Include a 3 day private retreat: Include a 3 day private retreat:

$7500 CDN + taxes $11,000 CDN + taxes

We do our best to honor each woman that seeks this container out to make it as easeful for you as possible in all ways, and please apply if you are in a space where you can and are ready to commit to your journey in all ways.

What People Are Saying


“This week I had my final call of my program with Hillary. It was bittersweet. I was sad because I look forward to my one-on-one time with her each week and always come away with a deeper certainty and understanding about my unique medicine and the space I hold for my clients. But I was also happy and excited because I know how far I've come with her help and I'm eager to spread my wings and fly to new heights now. I've invested in a lot of different programs and coaches, but the investment I made in Hillary's program was BY FAR the best thing I've ever done for my own personal growth and for the growth of my business. Thank you again!!!”

— Sara Best

“Hillary has this incredible capacity to hold space for the sort of profound transformation that would otherwise be excruciating to get through. She also has this rare ability to reach into one's field and make subtle energetic adjustments or tweaks to help everything fall into alignment. It's energy work, but there's something about Hillary's approach that focuses more on growth and optimization-- as opposed to healing-- that resonated with me from the beginning. The availability of her horses and their desire to serve is absolute magic.”

— Siona Van Dyck

“Wow, Hillary really gets to the heart of the matter, and quick! She listens to her intuition, really helps you remember yours, and answers so much that isn’t even asked! I’m so glad to have gotten to talk deep with this powerhouse of a woman!”

— Raina shannon