In your purpose and in your leadership.
In the authentic claiming of it and finding a path of holding it that truly reflects what feels honoring to you.
No more self sacrificing, or operating in a belief system that does not take your own energy into consideration.
You are medicine.
You are necessary to those around you.
You are also necessary to yourself.
We create spaces for women to not just claim the depth and expansion of their purpose and medicine, but to also create a new pathway of holding it.
One that honors you more deeply.
A new space of service, of creating, and of leadership.
That reflects a deep space of sacredness to you.
There are moments in our journey where we feel the deep calling of something…
We don’t always know how to place exactly what it is but we feel it deeply.
You are in a place where you feel there is…..
An initiation, a crossroads, a deeply rooted invitation that sometimes comes with being uprooted somewhere in our lives.
Where we can no longer deny or deflect what is being asked of us and we are courageous enough to face it head-on and say, ‘OK, I am ready for this journey.’
Sometimes that is a journey of deep discovery and excavation, a shedding where we are being asked to let go, to discard the places in ourselves that no longer serve us.
Other times it is more external, the invitation is around us, confronting what doesn’t feel aligned with how we are showing up in our service, our purpose and how we are being asked to lead.
Perhaps it is a knowing that we need to comfort what we are uncomfortable about being with, and knowing that now is the time to do so.
The mystery of the journey calls to you and you are wanting to be in a space where you are held sacredly and deeply as you traverse the journey.
What is it like to be held while we are traversing unknown territories?
While we are discovering ourselves more deeply, excavating what is wanting to be unearthed?
What if we trusted this process where we don't know, where clarity is in the midst of being birthed?
What if we allowed ourselves to be held sacredly as we travel, as deeply as perhaps we allow others to hold us?
Who is this space for?
You do not have to be a horse person to journey with the medicine of horses. They are not only meant for those of us that know horses on a deep physical level.
Sometimes the space of horses calls to us because it is their medicine we need to be supported by.
They meet us, without judgment, without agenda so we can allow ourselves to go in and be with what is wanting to emerge, to shed, to be discovered.
What we cannot hold for one another, horses can. They force us to be present to what is in the space for us. We can't deflect the mirror of them.
They ask us to be in our body, to be a witness to all parts of us, not bypass the pieces that feel uncomfortable.
They ask us to confront what we are holding, what is ready to shed, the truths that we would rather not speak to ourselves.
We leave here with them changed, shifted, with a deeper courage to what we must do, a revealing that we cannot ignore, a knowing of new pathways and tools that will support us.
And a knowing that wherever we now travel, we go with the wisdom and medicine of these beings, to continue our road ahead.
Horses can tap into what is in the unconscious, what is the underbelly of what we are needing to confront, bear witness to and claim more deeply in ourselves.
This is the medicine we bring and partner within the spaces we hold for women. You don’t have to know why you are called, simply that you are.
Sometimes, in the spaces where we are beginning to feel tethered to conformity and untethered from ourselves, we need a powerful reminder to give permission to our unbridled spirit. Where we are wanting to be reminded of our most wildest self and nature and have the courage to lead from this place.
You are here because there is a more expansive vision that is calling you, of your sacred work, your purpose, and also how you hold and lead yourself.
You are seeking a space of deep rhythms, of rooting into the part of you that is not held to structure that is not of the natural world.
Where you are wanting to be held in the mystery and unknown of life and where you are being invited into a deeper knowing of self.
The spaces I create for women are created in support of their sacred journey, where we meet you where your soul is guiding you, not your agenda, not our agenda or where we think we are needing to go.
Where you are being asked to find the courage to journey in a different way, one that is truly honoring to you and your gifts.
I have walked the path of self sacrifice and suffered for it.
There is more, deeper listening and being that is not just about serving our bigger calling but ourselves.
Where we enter into a wisdom that expands our logic and tunes into the depth of our nature, the guidance that is found there and the wisdom that is seeking to be held by us.

If you…
...are seeking true and lasting transformation that reflects where you feel you are needing go in yourself and in how you hold the spaces of your sacred work.
... are seeking a deeper claiming and courage of creating spaces of your sacred work that is truly reflective of your unique medicine that also inspires you to hold, not drains you.
You have come to the right place.
Begin Your Journey Here.
There are a few pathways in which I support those who are called to my work and I welcome you to explore which one feels right to you at this moment.
I have created both private and group experiences to support those who are called to explore working with me. Find which container resonates for where you are in your journey.
Retreats include both private and upcoming group options to suit what you are seeking in a retreat experience.
My courses are for those who are looking at a soft entry into exploring my philosophy and offerings. The courses are here to support the evolution and expansion of yourself and where you moved to grow your sacred spaces.